March 17, 2020
Dear parents/guardians,
As you are aware, New Vista School will be closed from Monday March 16th through Friday March 27th, 2020. We anticipate opening the campus back up for regular classes on Monday March 30th, 2020. Starting Tuesday at 8:30 am, March 17th, we will be implementing our remote teaching plan.
Chromebook and Textbook Pick-Up
If you need textbooks or a Chromebook, please email Tyler Lowenthal. We have pick up times scheduled for Tuesday March 17th from 12:00 to 3:00 pm and 5:00 to 7:00 pm.
If you require additional tutoring or home support, we may have staff available to assist. This would be a private arrangement between the staff and the parent. Please email Jen Carrillo if you are interested in more information.
Regular Bell Schedule
The school days will follow the New Vista bell Schedule. This schedule is in your student’s binder. If you need a copy, please email Sandi Carter.
If you require any medication from the nurse’s office, please email Nurse Ally to coordinate a pick-up date and time.
Tuesday March 17th (through Friday March 27th)
-Remote learning will start at 8:30.
-Please have students ready and logged into their New Vista School Google Accounts for all classes. All work will be accessed through Google Classroom (classwork and homework).
– We will be attempting to follow the school’s bell schedule and assigned classes at those times. See your student’s schedule in their binders.
-Teachers will provide additional instruction at that time.
-Attendance will be taken.
-Students are expected to complete all assignments as if they were on campus.
-Any breaks, lunchtime, or clubs on the bell schedule will be “on your own”.
-Teachers will be available from 8:00 to 4:00 each day. You can email questions or use the chat feature on Google Hangouts App located in Google Suite (square in right hand corner on Google Account made up of 9 dots).
If you need to reach administration, you can contact us through our email or school phone number:
Bill Bermingham:
Tyler Lowenthal:
Sandi Carter:
Juhi Sharma:
Allyson Nickell:
Jen Carrillo:
Please email us if you have any questions or concerns. We appreciate your help during this unusual time.
New Vista School
William Bermingham
Executive Director