We teach the way our students learn. The programs offered by New Vista School maximize the personal achievement and independence of our students, providing them with integrated and comprehensive services.
Disclaimer: Our High School diploma track classes are not A-G articulated, other than our CTE classes.
These programs include:
Academic Skills
Regardless of ability level, all students receive rigorous academic instruction with a curriculum based on the California Content Standards and the Common Core State Standards at every level. Curriculum is geared towards strengthening our students’ communication, problem solving, and decision making skills so they can successfully navigate through life.
Through small class sizes, research-based programs, and integrated learning environments, New Vista School develops our students’ academic achievement and independence. We offer a diploma for students who can work at grade level and a Certificate of Completion for those who require pacing and other curricula modifications.
High School Academics | Middle School Academics |
High School Interdisciplinary | Modified Academics for Middle School |
Social Skills
Our highly developed and research-based social skills program is integrated into every aspect of our students’ educational experience. This gives our students the opportunity to practice their social skills throughout the day and in different situations. We prioritize our students’ social skills training because we know these skills will make a significant difference in their success as adults.
This program is taught using enriched and modified curriculum and teaching strategies that include:
- the research-based UCLA PEERS curriculum
- journaling and self-video feedback
- social behavior mapping
Students may continue to practice their social skills with their classmates after school by joining student electives, such as Science, Drama, Art, and Film. These electives are an essential time when students generalize their social skills and build stamina with the ongoing guidance of the teaching and support staff. In addition, clubs of interest to the students are held following lunch and provide another opportunity for generalizing social and language skills.
It is important for all students to be contributing members of their school and local communities. Community opportunities are provided both on and off campus. Students at New Vista School are expected to meet various responsibilities including leading student announcements, maintaining a student bulletin board and planning student events and outings. These opportunities provide New Vista School students with an avenue to develop appropriate life and social skills which will support them into their adult years.
Behavioral Skills
A school-wide Positive Behavior Support Program is used to reinforce students who are demonstrating school values and classroom expectations. Classroom expectations are visually posted and reviewed daily. Students who are demonstrating school-wide values and following classroom expectations are rewarded in each class through a point system. Students earn privileges, including free dress days, prizes and school-wide recognition. Earning privileges are modeled in the school to provide an environment that mirrors adult life and helps students reach harmony with their surroundings in a way that benefits them the most.
High School Transition Skills
The New Vista School Transition program prepares students with the necessary life, work, educational and social skills needed in adult life. Students are given an opportunity to acquire these skills using a hands-on, real world approach that involves on-the-job training and first-hand experiences. We work alongside parents and administration in developing post-high school goals and plans that best fit the individual needs of each student.
All students at New Vista School participate in the Transition Program during the 11th and 12th grades. This is an extension of our social skills program that includes a daily class for the other five years of the program.
During Transition class, the social skills are extended and generalized to adult learning situations (college) and both soft and hard skills for the world of work. Students participate in work-site training opportunities for both years of the program.
Students who are planning on furthering their education are given guidance and support through the process of college application and course choices. If desired, the student and family are taken to local colleges to sign up for “Disabled Student Services” and have the required testing.
All students tour local two year college campuses as a group and have the opportunity to visit appropriate classes for individual interest and competence areas.